Posted by: truthprincess | September 15, 2008

Katinka and Max’s Cat Tree

Max and Katinka got a new cat tree.  They love it so much they sleep in the top part together all night!  This means they are not sleeping with us and we are very sad.  Kendall thinks its like having kids who want to sleep outside in their new tent.  Hopefully the novelty will wear off, but I don’t know.   They just love this tree.  Here are some pics of the tree and other cute pictures of Max and Katinka…

Katinka and the new Cat Tree

Katinka and the new Cat Tree


Asleep in each others arms.

Asleep in each others arms.

Max and katinka helping with laundry.  Max thought it best to fold shorts from inside a leg.

Max and katinka helping with laundry. Max thought it best to fold shorts from inside a leg.

Upper box has hole for cats to go trhough to top.

Upper box has hole for cats to go through to top.


  1. They are adorable; more each day. The play toy is great. Your time with them is well spent. I loved the picture of them sleeping togeather, nice they are real pals.

  2. They are beautiful!

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